We are committed to providing enterprises with professional consulting services in respect of intellectual property mining layout, intellectual property strategic planning, intellectual property system construction, and other projects, and providing professional advice on intellectual property management for applicants.
Our agency team has diverse technical backgrounds, covering electronics, communications, artificial intelligence, chips, optoelectronics, software, semiconductors, machinery, new energy, chemicals, materials, medical engineering, medical devices, and other technical fields, and can provide enterprises with customized intellectual property services, including:
For Enterprises with Intellectual Property Management Norms
We further improve various patent business services, and provide services such as customized patent layout, customized patent analysis, and invalidation litigation based on their patent management norms and needs.
For Start-up Companies Without Norms
We establish and standardize various patent business services for enterprises to realize customized process norms, customized writing norms, and customized patent layout.
Service Type
EC Innovations IP provides you with professional intellectual property consulting services. Our services include:

Reliable • Professional • Efficient
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EC Innovations IP.
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